Reference Documents: | |
28-4CS06003A | Piling and Foundation Drawings |
28-4ACS640101 | Reinforcing Steel |
28-4ACS640102 | Concrete Work |
28-4ACS640110 | Treated Timber Piling |
28-4ACS640113 | Auger-Cast Piling |
28-4ACS640114 | Steel H Piling |
28-4ECEM12 | Piling |
28-4WCE600702 | Piling Safety |
- Piling
- Permit has been obtained from the appropriate city, county, or state authority prior to commencement of pile installation? This is Project Engineering’s responsibility and may be part of overall permit.
- Post permit in construction trailer.
- Piles
- Inspect delivered piles for markings and certification.
- Pile Location
- Verify that the contractor’s registered surveyor establishes centerlines and elevations of equipment and piles.
- From these centerlines, locate pile centers.
- Institute method to double check layout. Original layout person should not perform check. Second party to measure out and verify accuracy of pile layout along with AP representative.
- Review Pile driving safety requirements 28-4WCE600702 with contractor prior to pile driving, in addition to the worldwide safety specification 28-4WCE600700.
- Pile Load Test
- Assure contractor has proper load testing equipment and review with civil design.
- During load testing procedure, have testing laboratory representative witness load testing and issue reports verifying results.
- Air Products field representative is to send test load results to home office for review and approval (Design Engineering) immediately upon their availability.
- This work should be done well in advance of the piling operation; to allow time to obtain a complete laboratory report and write up before actual piling installation begins.
- Pile Driving Equipment
- Contractor is to submit piling procedures and equipment to Air Products for review and approval by Civil/ Structural Engineer for approval.
- Inspect and ensure crane is of adequate capacity to handle load of leads and hammer. If steam, check hose and connections. Guards shall be provided across the top of the head block to prevent the cable from jumping out of the sheaves.
- Inspect type of hammer, weight, proper mandrel, and driving force in accordance with Air Products approved piling procedures.
- Verify contractor has certification from crane manufacturer if he has modified crane (e.g., air compressor mounted on back of crane). Verify annual inspection and third party inspection certificates for crane.
- Underground obstructions, such as electrical and telephone lines, water/sewer lines, gas lines, etc., shall be located by potholing prior to any piling operations in area.
- Pile Driving
- Third party testing laboratory shall be approved by civil design. Independent laboratory certifications shall be obtained.
- No piles shall be driven within 20 ft of concrete less than 7 days old unless approved by the responsible civil engineer.
- Testing laboratory to provide representative to witness all pile driving activities. Testing laboratory shall then issue a comprehensive Pile Driving Log noting information below:
- Site location.
- Project number.
- Pile type, length, size and weight.
- Mandrel (if used), length and weight.
- Follower (if used), length and weight.
- Penetration, elevation of ground at pile location, elevation of pile tip after driving.
- Hammer: Make and model, rated stroke, stroke measure (note any falling off in the rated speed and stroke during driving), weight of ram.
- Items such as driving cap, anvil, helmet, weight, and description.
- Time: Start of driving, finish of driving, driving time.
- Record number of blows required for each 300 mm (12 in) of penetration. Note points at which stoppages occur with times of stopping and starting.
- Steam pressure and strokes per minute.
- Remarks: Record any data relative to duration of delays in driving such as boulders, condition of cushions, and plumbness.
- Check that actual placement of pile is within tolerance specified and is undamaged. Design engineering will give the parameters.
- Vertical alignment.
- Assure minimum centerline distance to edge of foundation is at least 1½ -times the diameter of the pile.
- Lateral deviation from the correct location of not more than 75 mm (3 in) will be permitted.
- Prior to Pile Cutoff, Ensure:
- Minimum depth reached.
- Minimum resistance (blows) obtained.
- Location of pile within tolerances.
- Cut-off elevation double-checked. Pile cut-off may be included in the foundation package in lieu of piling package if excavation is required.
- Sleeves as required after cutoff.
- Augured Cast in Place Piling
- Air Products must approve concrete design mix for cast in place piles or caissons.
- A set of working drawings shall be submitted for APCI approval.
- Concrete placement shall be with the use of pumps, trucks or tremies to prevent segregation of aggregate.
- Curing – cold or hot weather precautions are to be followed as applicable.
- Testing laboratory organized to obtain samples and issue reports on concrete cylinder breaks.
- Reinforcing steel:
- Verify proper grade and diameters being used.
- Correct amount of bars and ties installed. Correct bending details as required by drawings.
- Rebar drawings reviewed and approved by Civil design where specified.
- Verify shell or augered hole has not collapsed.
- Reinforcing steel set after bottom filled with concrete.
- Verification of reinforcing steel to casing or wall clearance maintained.
- Top of pile elevation checked and formed as necessary.
- When augering, correct diameter auger and correct depth.
- Rate of auger withdrawal and rate of mortar injection being coordinated so that mortar volume is 25% greater than the volume of pile.
- Air Product representative shall submit installation record of each pile no later than three days after installation is completed. Refer to 28-4ACS640113 paragraph 9.4.1 for information requirements.
- Treated Timber pile
- Timber shall be freshly cut, clean peeled Southern Pine or Douglas Fir conforming to ASTM D 25, ”Round Timber Piles”.
- Piles shall be branded to identify the supplier, species, preservative and retention.
- When piles are being driven, collars and bands shall be used to protect the butts against splitting and brooming.
- Steel H piles
- All piles shall be ASTM A36 material and furnished by the contractor. Refer to 28-4ACS640114 for more information.
- Pile coating primer shall be Kopper’s “Bitumastic Jet-Set” priming solution. Finish coating shall be Kopper’s 70B AWWA summer grade coal tar enamel.
- General
- Coordinate pile installation so that driving or augering does not occur adjacent to newly poured or cast piles.
- Continued coordination of concrete piles required until piles achieve an age of seven days.
- Find out from the design engineer the minimum distance allowed between newly poured piles and between piles less than seven days old.
- Coordination within operating facilities to allow for potential shutdowns due to driving vibrations.
- Coordination of civil/underground contractor following newly poured piling with minimum distances allowed between ‘green’ piles and other groundwork.
- Address additional details as required by site-specific pile drawings and specifications.
- Update and maintain As-built with a certified survey.
- QC Documentation
- Copy of permits.
- Piling inspection reports.
- Pile load test.
- Piling equipment approval.
- Piling logs.
- Concrete/mortar approvals.
- Reinforcing steel approvals.
- Concrete cylinder breaks and testing results.
- Certified “as-built” drawings for final pile locations.
- Certified survey equipment calibrations records.
- Approved set of concrete pile working drawings / drilling sequence plan.