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What are the Foundation Design Requirements?

A foundation structure must satisfy various design requirements to effectively fulfill its intended purpose. One crucial requirement is its ability to withstand different types of loads, including dead load, live load, environmental load, and exceptional loads such as earthquakes. To prevent structural damage or dysfunction, the settlement of the foundation must be within the tolerable limit set by relevant standards. Therefore, the foundation should be strong enough to minimize differential settlement.

The depth of the foundation is also an essential design requirement that needs to be considered. It should be deep enough to avoid harmful ground movements such as shrinking, swelling, and freezing. Safety factors are necessary to ensure that the foundation can resist forces that might cause it to overturn or slide.

Another important aspect to consider is the foundation’s ability to withstand aggressive agents present in the subsurface soil, given that it is in direct contact with the soil. Finally, the foundation serves to hold the structure up so that it does not sink into the supporting ground. In summary, meeting these various design requirements is critical for the foundation to adequately perform its function and serve its intended purpose.

Foundation of Multi Storey Building
Fig. 1: Foundation of Multi Storey Building

Foundation Design Requirements

A strong and stable foundation is crucial to prevent any potential structural failure that may lead to collapse. In the case of a skyscraper, the foundation must be able to support the immense weight of the building on a relatively narrow base without the risk of overturning. Additionally, the foundation should not settle in a way that may damage the building or hinder its functionality during its lifespan. To minimize differential settlement, the foundation must be adequately rigid, especially when the loads applied on it are unevenly distributed. The foundation must also be feasible, both technically and economically, and should be practical to build without causing any adverse effects on the surrounding property.

One of the primary design requirements for the foundation is its ability to support and transfer different types of loads, including dead loads, live loads, and horizontal loads, such as wind and earthquake, to the subsurface soil. To ensure stability, the foundation should be deep enough to prevent overturning and protect the building against any damage or distress caused by the subsoil’s swelling or shrinkage. The soil’s bearing capacity should be sufficient at the required depth.

It is crucial to design the foundation in a way that provides adequate safety against potential future loads, such as earthquakes and overloading. The foundation should also be resistant to any attack from harmful chemicals in the soil, such as sulfates that may be present in groundwater. Sulfate attack can lead to the deterioration of the concrete foundation. Using sulfate-resisting cement may help offset this problem, but it is not a perfect solution unless the concrete is placed, vibrated, and cured with sufficient care.

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