This Guideline outlines the recommended strategy for performing backups
of royalty/custody measurement system software.
Frequency As listed in the procedure
1. When to perform a Complete Image Backup:
Immediately after the metering system is commissioned, a complete image
backup of the MSC, DCS and flow computer systems should be taken. This
serves as a baseline for all subsequent online backups.
After a major change, perform a new complete image backup. If a major change is made to the flow computer or MSC, perform a new complete image backup. This backup will serve as the basis for subsequent online backups.
Perform a new complete image backup after:
An operating system software upgrade
A new base prover volume is entered into the flow computer
If you decide to back out an upgrade or patch, revert back to your last
complete image backup. You can then apply any instance backups that
occurred between the software upgrade or patch and the last complete
image backup of your Oracle Application Server environment. Restoring an
instance backup without restoring the last complete image backup might mix
old configuration files with newly upgraded software that might not be
2. When to perform ticket data backups:
On a regular basis, perform an instance backup of the measurement ticket
reports in the MSC. This enables you to restore your meter calibration
history environment to a consistent state as of the time of your most recent
configuration and metadata backup.
3. Develop the following software operation procedures:
Retention Periods – Procedures specifying the copy and/or rotation cycle of
removable media containing production software and/or data, including
retention times for each cycle state.
Data Recovery Plan and Procedures- Procedures to recover data under
emergency conditions. Specify critical data and recovery dependencies on
other systems.
Software Recovery Plan and Procedures – Formal procedures to recover
software applications under emergency conditions.
Data Retention, Storage and Retrieval – Procedures that specify the
retention times, storage requirements and retrieval requirements for system