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General template for special inspection form | INSPECTION & TESTING

TEST AND INSPECTION PER: PO Specifications & Specifications As Noted Below.

Pre-Fabrication/Production Requirements Specification Details / Notes:
Material Test Report
Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) If required, shall be submitted for review and approval.
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) If required.
Welder Qualification Records If required.
NDT Personnel and Procedures If required, verify personnel qualification and approved procedures.
In process inspection & test requirement Specification Details / Notes:
Workmanship, Components and Dimensions Per Purchase Order requirements.
Compliance with PO Description, Specifications, Supplier’s Catalog Description, Certified Drawings, and Paint Specification. Per Purchase Order requirements.
Nondestructive Testing Requirements Per Purchase Order requirements.
Final inspection & test requirements Specification Details / Notes:
Visual and Dimensional Check Per Purchase Order requirements.
Marking, Packaging, and Handling Per Purchase Order requirements.
Additional/Supplemental Requirements Specification Details / Notes:


  • May only be waived by the responsible Saudi Aramco, ASC, or AOC Inspection
  • See form IR000003 for instructions on using this

 General template for special inspection form | INSPECTION & TESTING

 General template for special inspection form | INSPECTION & TESTING

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