This article is about SAES-L-125 which is about Safety Instruction Sheet for Piping and Pipelines and download SAES-L-125 PDF for piping and mechanical engineers, supervisors and project managers. This is saudi aramco standard based on international codes and standards and useful for piping and mechanical engineering knowledge to get job as engineers, QC Supervisors and QC managers, Engineering managers and technicians.
SAES-L-125 PDF Download
SAES-L-125SAES-L-125 Safety Instruction Sheet for Piping and Pipelines
According to the standard SAES-L-125, the preparation of Safety Instruction Sheets (SIS) for piping systems involves completing specific Saudi Aramco Engineering Forms. These forms provide a structured format for documenting the safety instructions related to different types of piping systems. The forms and their respective guidelines are as follows:
- Saudi Aramco 2821-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet – Plant Piping (Attachment A-1)
- This form is used for plant piping that is considered critical due to various factors such as the potential for major plant shutdown, significant reduction in throughput, environmental impact, high temperature, high pressure, presence of hydrocarbons at or above auto ignition point, release of fluids that could result in a gas cloud and explosion, toxic or corrosive nature of handled fluids, or general hydrocarbon fluids lighter than diesel at ambient temperature or diesel at or above 225°F.
- Saudi Aramco 5645-1-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet for Cross Country Pipelines – Main line Pipe (Attachment A-2, Section A)
- This form is specifically designed for cross-country pipelines’ main line pipes. It provides a framework for documenting the safety instructions related to these pipelines.
- Saudi Aramco 5645-2-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet for Cross Country Pipelines – Critical Piping (Attachment A-3, Section B)
- This form is used for documenting safety instructions for critical piping in cross-country pipelines. It focuses on critical aspects of these pipelines’ piping systems.
- Saudi Aramco 5645-3-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet – Terminal and Bulk Plant Piping (Attachment A-4)
- This form is utilized for terminal and bulk plant piping systems. It provides a standardized format for recording safety instructions specific to these types of piping systems.
The specific form to be used depends on the type of piping system and its criticality. Each form has its own set of criteria and guidelines for determining when it should be applied. By completing these forms, the design agency can ensure that the necessary safety instructions are adequately documented for the respective piping systems. Brief introduction you will get for SAES-L-125 PDF Download in this article.
According to the standard, the completion of Form 5645-1-ENG and Form 5645-2-ENG is required for cross-country pipelines. The specific guidelines for each form are as follows:
- Form 5645-1-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet for Cross Country Pipelines – Main Line Piping
- This form is to be completed for major pipelines, trunklines, and cross-country pipelines carrying any fluid, excluding flowlines.
- It covers the safety instructions for main line piping.
- Calculation sheets are to be attached to this form, providing detailed calculations, formulas, variables with units, and specific standards requirements.
- Form 5645-2-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet for Cross Country Pipelines – Critical Piping
- This form is to be filled out for the same cross-country pipelines mentioned above, in addition to tie-in piping, scraper traps, appurtenances, jumpovers, flanges, fittings, or any special components.
- It covers the safety instructions for critical components within the pipeline network, such as lateral ins, lateral outs, station by-passes, lateral intermediate traps, launcher/receiver barrels, fill lines, gas meter stations, etc.
- This form retains the same Saudi Aramco drawing number as Form 5645-1-ENG, but with different sheet numbers.
- Calculation sheets showing the method for achieving calculated values are to be attached to this form, along with the necessary diagrams.
Form 5645-3-ENG: Safety Instruction Sheet – Terminal and Bulk Plant Piping
- This form is to be prepared for all piping in Terminals and Bulk Plants that is considered critical, as defined in SAES-L-100.
- It covers the safety instructions for critical piping in terminal and bulk plant facilities.
- Calculation sheets and diagrams are to be attached to this form, showing the method for achieving calculated values and the limits of each piping section covered by the SIS.
- The calculation sheet and diagram retain the same Saudi Aramco drawing number as the SIS sheet but with sheet numbers 002 and 003, respectively.
By following these guidelines and completing the appropriate forms, the design agency can prepare Safety Instruction Sheets (SIS) for cross-country pipelines, critical piping, and terminal/bulk plant piping, ensuring that the necessary safety instructions are properly documented and accompanied by relevant calculations and diagrams. Following is safety instruction sheet sample

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