This article is about SAES-T-883 which is about Telecommunications Inductive Coordination and download SAES-T-883 PDF for telecommunication and electrical engineers, supervisors and project managers, telecom QCs, telecom QC Supervisors. This is saudi aramco standards of Telecommunication Engineering based on international codes and standards and useful for telecom and electronics engineering knowledge to get job as engineers, QC Supervisors and QC managers, Engineering managers and technicians.
SAES-T-883 PDF Download
SAES-T-883Telecommunications Inductive Coordination
This SAES-T-883 standard prescribes minimum mandatory requirements governing the technical objective related to inductive coordination between power lines and telecommunication lines.
Industry Codes and Standards for SAES-T-883
Based on the industry codes and standards you mentioned, here are the relevant standards for inductive coordination between power lines and telecommunication lines:
- NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC): This code provides requirements for the safe installation and use of electrical systems, including provisions for coordination between power and telecommunication lines.
- IEEE C2 – National Electrical Safety Code (NESC): This code focuses on safety requirements for the installation, operation, and maintenance of electric supply and communication lines, including provisions for inductive coordination.
- IEEE 776 – IEEE Recommended Practice for Inductive Coordination of Electric Supply and Communication Lines: This standard provides guidance and recommended practices for achieving inductive coordination between electric supply and communication lines to minimize interference and ensure proper functioning of both systems.
- IEEE 1137 – IEEE Guide for the Implementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Application: This guide offers practical information and techniques for implementing inductive coordination measures to minimize interference between power and communication systems.
- IEEE 487 – IEEE Recommended Practice for the Protection of Wire-Line Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations: This recommended practice focuses on protecting wire-line communication facilities from the effects of electrical faults and disturbances originating from electric supply locations.
These standards provide guidelines and best practices for ensuring proper coordination and minimizing interference between power lines and telecommunication lines. They address various aspects such as equipment design, installation, grounding, and protection measures.
Design of Telecommunications Inductive Coordination
Based on the provided information from the SAES-T-883 standard, here are the key points related to the design and mitigation of telecommunications inductive coordination:
5.1 Noise Objectives:
- Noise Metallic: The noise metallic at the telephone set should be limited to 20 dBrnC.
- Telephone Circuit Balance: The objective is to achieve a circuit balance of 60 dB or more.
- Noise-to-Ground: The design value for noise-to-ground should be 80 dBrnC, considering the noise metallic objective of 20 dBrnC and a circuit balance of 60 dB. The design package should include interpretations, reviews, calculations, and mitigation equipment for noise-to-ground.
5.1.4 Shielding Factor (S):
- For design purposes, a typical value of 0.3 should be used as the shielding factor.
5.2 Mathematical Basis for Design of Horizontal Separations:
- The relationship between IT (residual power line current times TIF) and Noise-to-Ground on telephone cable pairs is defined by the formula: Ng = 20 log 0.0513 m L IT S in dBrnC (where m = mutual inductance, L = length, I*T = residual power line current times TIF, and S = shielding factor).
- For TIF (weighted A) of 700 and a shielding factor (S) of 0.3, the equation can be simplified as: Ng = 20.65 + 20 log m*L in dBrnC.
5.2.2 Noise to Ground versus Voltage:
- When measuring noise-to-ground, the C Message weighting should be used.
- The formula for noise-to-ground in dBrnC using flat weighting such as 3 kHz is: Ng = 20 log V/24.5 * 10^-6.
5.2.3 Weighted Amperes and dBA:
- Power line I*T should be measured in dBA, which is dB above 1 Ampere.
- The relationship between IT in weighted Amperes and dBA is given by: IT in dBA = 20 log IT in weighted Amperes, or IT in weighted A = 10^(dBA/20).
- A table is provided to convert I*T in weighted Amperes to dBA.
5.2.4 Noise Design Charts:
- The mathematical relationships in Section 5.2 should be used to create a family of curves for determining horizontal separations required for different lengths of parallels and power line I*T values.
- For copper telecommunications cable, a noise-to-ground design value of 80 dBrnC is used.
5.3 Power Line I*T Measurements:
- The I*T of a power line should be measured using a probe wire or an exploring coil, along with a wave analyzer.
- Measurements should be made without direct connections to the power line.
5.4 Design Procedures – Noise Design Charts:
- Exhibit (1) should be used as a quick way to design the required separation for a uniform exposure, assuming a power line I*T value of 46 dB (200 weighted A).
5.5 Uneven Separations:
- When dealing with varying separations or induction from multiple power lines, a more detailed calculation is necessary.
- Different methods can be used to combine and calculate the separation requirements for different scenarios.
These guidelines and procedures outlined in the SAES-T-883 standard aim to ensure proper design and mitigation of telecommunications inductive coordination, considering noise objectives, shielding factors, horizontal separations, and power line measurements.

FAQs about SAES-T-883 PDF Download
Q1: What are the reference standards for the design and mitigation of telecommunications inductive coordination?
A1: The reference standards for telecommunications inductive coordination design and mitigation are IEEE 776 Recommended Practice for Inductive Coordination of Electric Supply and Communication Lines and IEEE 1137 Guide for the Implementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Application.
Q2: What is the recommended standard for the protection of wire-line communication facilities serving electric supply locations?
A2: The recommended standard for the protection of wire-line communication facilities serving electric supply locations is IEEE 487 Recommended Practice for the Protection of Wire-Line Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations.
Q3: What is the objective for noise metallic at the telephone set?
A3: The objective for noise metallic at the telephone set is 20 dBrnC.
Q4: What is the objective for telephone circuit balance?
A4: The objective for telephone circuit balance is 60 dB or more.
Q5: What is the design value for noise-to-ground?
A5: The design value for noise-to-ground is 80 dBrnC, considering the objective for noise metallic and circuit balance.
Q6: What is the typical value of the shielding factor (S) used for design purposes?
A6: The typical value of the shielding factor (S) used for design purposes is 0.3.
Q7: How is the relationship between IT and Noise-to-Ground defined for telephone cable pairs?
A7: The relationship between IT (impulse current and time) and Noise-to-Ground on telephone cable pairs is defined by the formula: Ng = 20 log 0.0513 m L I*T S in dBrnC.
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