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SAES-T-906 PDF – Telecommunications Structural Coordination

This article is about SAES-T-906 which is about Telecommunications Structural Coordination and download SAES-T-906 PDF for telecommunication and electrical engineers, supervisors and project managers, telecom QCs, telecom QC Supervisors. This is saudi aramco standards of Telecommunication Engineering based on international codes and standards and useful for telecom and electronics engineering knowledge to get job as engineers, QC Supervisors and QC managers, Engineering managers and technicians.

SAES-T-906 PDF Download


Telecommunications Structural Coordination

SAES-T-906 is a Saudi Aramco standard that outlines mandatory requirements for the structural coordination of telecommunication outside plant (OSP) facilities at railroad crossings and in the vicinity of airports. It ensures the proper design and implementation of OSP facilities to maintain safety, minimize disruptions, and comply with relevant regulations in these critical areas.

Industry Codes and Standards for SAES-T-906

SAES-T-906, the Saudi Aramco standard for structural coordination of telecommunication outside plant (OSP) facilities at railroad crossings and airports, incorporates the following industry codes and standards:

  1. General Telephone and Electronics (GTE): GTE is a telecommunications company that has developed standards and guidelines relevant to the design and coordination of OSP facilities.
  2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): SAES-T-906 references NFPA 70, also known as the National Electrical Code (NEC), which provides regulations for electrical installations and safety.
  3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): SAES-T-906 incorporates IEEE/ANSI C2, which is the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). NESC focuses on electrical safety practices for utility installations, including OSP facilities.

These industry codes and standards ensure compliance with established guidelines, best practices, and safety regulations when designing and coordinating telecommunication OSP facilities at railroad crossings and airports.


Here are the key points from the provided sections of GTE related to the structural coordination of telecommunication outside plant (OSP) facilities at railroad crossings and airports:

  1. GTE Section 906-001-070: Structural Coordination Joint Use of Wood Poles
  • Coordination with the Saudi Aramco Power Distribution Department is required for the joint use of Saudi Aramco-owned poles.
  • Telecommunication facilities should be placed at the lower level when sharing poles with power facilities.
  • Clearance requirements specified in SAES-T-604 should be followed.
  1. GTE Section 906-200-089: Structural Coordination – Height & Boundary Limitations at Airports
  • Construction or alteration of structures near Saudi Aramco airports or heliports must be approved by the Saudi Aramco Aviation Department.
  • Compliance with SAES-B-063 “Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting” is required for facilities that may be in conflict with aircraft flight paths.
  1. GTE Section 906-300-070: Specification for Communication Lines Crossing Railroad Tracks
  • Construction of telecommunication overhead facilities crossing railroads is not permitted.
  • Underground telecommunication facilities on railroad property should be located away from the roadbed and railroad right-of-way.
  • Prior arrangements and approval from the railroad proponent are necessary for construction within the railroad right-of-way.
  • Minimum cover requirements for casing in railroad crossings should follow SAES-L-460, unless specified otherwise by the government or railroad proponent.
  • A conduit system may be placed beneath the roadbed with the approval of the railroad proponent, and open trench excavations near rails should be avoided.
  • Proper shoring and bracing should be used in trenches to prevent cave-ins.

These guidelines ensure safe and coordinated placement of telecommunication facilities in accordance with the requirements of Saudi Aramco and relevant industry codes and standards.

MCQs for SAES-T-906 PDF Download

Q1: What is the requirement for coordinating with the Saudi Aramco Power Distribution Department for joint use of wood poles?

A1: Coordination with the Saudi Aramco Power Distribution Department is required when telecommunication facilities are intended to be jointed with Saudi Aramco-owned wood poles.

Q2: What should be the placement level of telecommunication facilities when sharing poles with power facilities?

A2: Telecommunication facilities should be placed at the lower level when sharing poles with power facilities.

Q3: Which clearance requirements should be followed when sharing poles with power facilities?

A3: The clearance requirements specified in SAES-T-604 should be followed when sharing poles with power facilities.

Q4: What is the approval requirement for constructing or altering structures near Saudi Aramco airports or heliports?

A4: Construction or alteration of structures near Saudi Aramco airports or heliports must be approved by the Saudi Aramco Aviation Department.

Q5: What compliance is required for telecommunication facilities in conflict with aircraft flight paths?

A5: Facilities that may be in conflict with aircraft flight paths should comply with SAES-B-063 “Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting.”

Q6: Are telecommunication overhead facilities allowed to cross railroad tracks?

A6: No, the construction of telecommunication overhead facilities crossing railroad tracks is not permitted.

Q7: How should underground telecommunication facilities be located on railroad property?

A7: Underground telecommunication facilities on railroad property should be located away from the roadbed and railroad right-of-way.

Q8: What is required for construction within the railroad right-of-way?

A8: Prior arrangements and approval from the railroad proponent are necessary for construction within the railroad right-of-way.

Q9: What are the minimum cover requirements for casing in railroad crossings?

A9: Minimum cover requirements for casing in railroad crossings should follow SAES-L-460 unless specified otherwise by the government or railroad proponent.

Q10: Can a conduit system be placed beneath the roadbed in railroad crossings?

A10: With the approval of the railroad proponent, a conduit system may be placed beneath the roadbed in railroad crossings. However, open trench excavations near rails should be avoided.

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