This article is about 316/316L Stainless Steel O-ring Face Seal Fittings and technical specification based on international codes and standards of ASME SA-479 and ASME SA-182.
316/316L Stainless Steel O-ring Face Seal Fittings | ASME SA-479 and ASME SA-182
Note: This global engineering specification shall be used in conjunction with 4WPI-M00001.
Scope Description | Face seal fittings, 316/316L stainless steel, O-ring gasket. |
Material Specification | Manufacturer’s standard supply conforming to ASME SA-479 and ASME SA-182, Grade 316/316L. |
Specification |
Manufacturer standard. |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order (PO) shall specify the following: 1. Type of fitting, size [DN (NPS) and/or tube OD], wall thickness, metal gasket material, and quantity. 2. Marking or tagging (see Marking section of this specification). 3. Specific packaging standards and instructions (see Packaging and Shipping section of this specification). 4. Cleaning requirement (see Special Requirements section of this specification). |
Lengths | Not applicable. |
Tolerances | Manufacturer standard. |
Drawings | Supplier shall provide drawings that specify all dimensions of fittings. |
Inspection | Company inspection is not required, unless specified in the PO. |
Testing | Company witnessing of tests is not required, unless specified in the PO. |
Examination | Company witnessing of examination is not required, unless specified in the PO. |
Marking | Markings shall be those required by the material specification and those that are manufacturer’s standard identification. Additional marking or tagging required by Company shall be specified in the PO. |
Protection | The manufacturer or supplier shall provide any special protection or packaging, and details of any storage, shelf life, or maintenance instructions that pertain to the manufacturer or supplier’s guarantee or are otherwise necessary for the protection of the items. |
Packing | The manufacturer or supplier shall provide suitable packaging to ensure that all items are protected from damage during handling and shipment. Any component received by Company in a damaged condition shall be returned and replaced, all at the supplier’s expense. Damage also includes a torn bag and loss of purge gas environment. Refer to the PO for specific packaging standards and instructions. |
Special Requirements | Cleaning shall be performed according to the manufacturer’s standard, unless an Company specification is specified in the Purchase Order. |
Certificate of
Conformance |
A certificate of conformance shall be submitted with each shipment by which the manufacturer or supplier certifies that the purchased components are in accordance with the requirements of this material purchase specification and the PO. Objective evidence of compliance shall include the certification required in General Piping Material Purchase Specification.
The following shall be noted on the certificate of conformance: Company PO number, supplier lot number, mill heats used to fill order, shipping order number, date, and signature of supplier’s Quality Control Representative. |