Concrete is a widely used construction material due to its excellent durability. However, despite its strength, concrete can still suffer damage due to various factors. This can affect the aesthetic, structural, and functional aspects of a building, highlighting the importance of identifying and addressing these causes.
One major cause of concrete damage is chemical attacks. Exposure to acids, alkalis, and other chemicals can weaken the material, leading to cracking and disintegration. This is particularly common in industrial settings where concrete is exposed to chemical spills and leaks.
Overloading and impact can also cause concrete damage. Excessive weight or force can cause cracks and fractures, compromising the structure’s integrity. This is a concern in high-traffic areas or buildings with heavy machinery.
Another cause of concrete damage is carbonation. This occurs when carbon dioxide from the air reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the concrete, causing it to become more porous and less durable. This process can be accelerated in buildings located in urban areas with high levels of air pollution.
Dry and wet cycling can also cause concrete damage. This refers to the repeated cycle of concrete drying out and then becoming wet again. This can cause the concrete to expand and contract, leading to cracking and damage over time.
Finally, fire can cause significant concrete damage. High temperatures can cause the concrete to lose strength and stability, potentially leading to collapse. This is a concern in buildings with high fire risk, such as industrial facilities or tall buildings.
1. Carbonation
Concrete carbonation is a chemical process that occurs when carbon dioxide enters concrete through tiny cracks and pores. The reaction between carbon dioxide and hydroxides such as calcium hydroxide results in the formation of calcium carbonate, which reduces the pH of the concrete from 13 to 8. While this reaction does not increase the rate of steel bar corrosion, it does reduce the alkalinity of the concrete, exposing steel reinforcement to corrosion.
The carbonation of concrete is a gradual process, with a rate of about 1 mm/year in good quality concrete. However, the rate of carbonation increases in concrete with low cement content, low strength, short curing periods, high water-cement ratios, and high permeability. Additionally, the relative humidity of the concrete also affects the rate of carbonation, with the maximum rate occurring at a relative humidity of 50-75%. Carbonation can be neglected when the relative humidity is less than 25%.
The extent of carbonation in concrete is determined by various factors, including exposure to rainfall, sunlight, and concrete cover. Concrete parts directly exposed to rainfall, with small concrete covers, and shaded from sunlight, are more susceptible to carbonation. It is important to note that carbonation can lead to a reduction in the durability of concrete structures and hence require maintenance and repair.
2. Reinforcement Corrosion
Concrete is a popular construction material used extensively in buildings, bridges, roads, and other structures. However, one of the major issues with concrete is the corrosion of steel reinforcement, which can cause significant damage and deterioration over time. Reinforcement corrosion is a process that occurs when the pH of concrete drops below 10, and moisture, oxygen, and chloride ions penetrate the concrete.
When these elements come into contact with steel reinforcement, they trigger a chemical reaction that leads to the formation of rust. The rust occupies a larger volume than the original steel, which puts pressure on the surrounding concrete, causing it to crack, spall off or delaminate. Reinforcement corrosion can lead to severe structural damage and poses a significant risk to the safety of the people who use these structures.
To prevent reinforcement corrosion, it is essential to place low permeability and crack-free concrete. This type of concrete has a lower porosity, which makes it less permeable to moisture and chloride ions, reducing the likelihood of corrosion. Additionally, it is crucial to provide adequate concrete cover over steel bars. The concrete cover acts as a barrier that protects the steel reinforcement from moisture, chloride ions, and oxygen.
Proper construction practices, including correct design and placement of concrete and steel reinforcement, can reduce the risk of corrosion significantly. Regular inspection and maintenance of concrete structures are also crucial to detect and repair any damage caused by corrosion, ensuring the safety and longevity of the structure.
3. Chemical Attack
Sulfates present in soil, seawater, or groundwater can cause damage to concrete by penetrating it and reacting with hydrated compounds, leading to expansion. This expansion can cause cracking and other forms of concrete damage. Additionally, an internal sulfate attack, known as delayed ettringite formation, can cause significant swelling and cracking in concrete by absorbing water.
The effects of this type of chemical attack are more pronounced in conditions of wet and dry cycling. To prevent sulfate attacks, it is recommended to use a low water-cement ratio and cement with a limited amount of tricalcium aluminates.
Concrete is also vulnerable to acid attack, which dissolves the binder from the surface of the concrete. In addition, the alkali-aggregate reaction can create an expansive product, while soft water attack can erode the cement paste in concrete.
To avoid an acid attack, surface protective treatment of concrete can be applied. It is also important to ensure that the concrete is adequately cured with low permeability to reduce the rate of acid attacks.
4. Overloading and Impacts
When heavy loads are placed on concrete, it can cause micro-cracks and even larger cracks to form. This can be a result of various factors, including overloading due to changes in building operations or unintentional overloading. Unusual events like earthquakes can also contribute to this issue. It’s important to note that even the early removal of formworks or storage of materials and equipment can lead to overloading in certain areas of a structure. For instance, impact equipment can cause extensive micro-cracking to occur.
One particular area where impact overload commonly occurs is at slab edges and joints on vehicular traffic surfaces. This type of overload can be especially problematic and lead to further cracking and damage. Therefore, it’s crucial to take appropriate measures to prevent overloading in these areas and ensure the structural integrity of the building remains intact.
5. Fire Damage
Exposure to high temperatures causes concrete to experience significant reductions in its compressive strength, flexural strength, and elasticity. However, the extent of this reduction can be mitigated through the use of concrete with a high aggregate-cement ratio. This is because such concrete tends to suffer less of a decrease in compressive strength. Furthermore, reducing the water-cement ratio can also help to minimize the loss of elasticity in concrete.
When concrete is subjected to high temperatures, any water that is trapped within it can lead to a phenomenon known as spalling. This occurs when the water within the concrete turns to steam due to the heat, resulting in an increase in pressure within the concrete. As the pressure builds, it can cause the concrete to crack and break apart, resulting in spalling. To prevent this from happening, it is important to ensure that the concrete has a low water-cement ratio to minimize the amount of trapped water.
6. Over-Wet Concrete
When the water content in a concrete mix is high, it can lead to cement rising to the surface. This occurrence can have negative consequences on the final product, as the concrete surface will dry before it has had a chance to set properly. This premature drying can result in several issues, including shrinkage, cracking, and the formation of a weak layer of material called “laitance.” Furthermore, the compressive strength of the concrete may also be reduced due to this problem.
To prevent these issues from occurring, it is essential to ensure that the concrete mix has the appropriate water content. An excessively high water content may seem like it will make the concrete easier to work with, but it can ultimately lead to a weaker and less durable final product. Therefore, it is important to follow best practices when mixing concrete and to take steps to avoid adding too much water to the mix. By doing so, you can help ensure that your concrete has the strength and durability necessary to withstand the tests of time and use.
What are the most common causes of concrete deterioration?
Concrete is vulnerable to a variety of damaging forces, including chemical attacks, overloading and impacts, carbonation, dry and wet cycling, and fire. These forces can cause significant harm to the material, compromising its structural integrity and durability.
Chemical attacks occur when concrete is exposed to substances that react with its components, causing them to break down and weaken. Overloading and impacts can cause cracks, fractures, and other types of damage to the material, especially if it is already weakened or compromised.
Carbonation is another major cause of concrete damage. This occurs when carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the material, reducing its pH and causing it to become more porous and susceptible to damage. Dry and wet cycling, on the other hand, can cause the material to expand and contract, leading to cracks and other forms of damage over time.
Finally, fire can cause significant damage to concrete structures, particularly if they are not properly designed and constructed to withstand high temperatures. The extreme heat can cause the material to weaken and even collapse, posing a serious threat to the safety and stability of the structure.
What are the causes of reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures?
Reinforcement corrosion is a process that can occur in concrete structures under certain conditions. It typically happens when the pH level in the concrete drops to 10 or lower, and there are chloride ions, oxygen, and moisture present.
When these factors come together, they can cause a reaction that damages the steel reinforcement within the concrete. This can lead to weakening of the structure and eventually, if left unchecked, to failure.
Preventing reinforcement corrosion requires taking steps to maintain the proper pH levels within the concrete and controlling the presence of chloride ions, oxygen, and moisture. Regular inspection and maintenance can also help identify and address any corrosion that may be occurring.
What is meant by carbonation in concrete?
Concrete undergoes carbonation when it comes into contact with carbon dioxide, which can penetrate the material through tiny cracks and pores. When this happens, the carbon dioxide reacts with hydroxides, such as calcium hydroxide, in the concrete. The result of this reaction is the formation of calcium carbonate, which can decrease the pH of the concrete from 13 to 8.
One of the primary concerns associated with carbonation in concrete is the reduction of alkalinity. This reduction can cause the steel bars embedded within the concrete to become exposed to corrosion, which can lead to significant structural issues over time. Although the process of carbonation is generally slow, with a rate estimated at around 1mm/year for high-quality concrete, it can still pose a serious threat to the long-term integrity of structures made from this material.
How can you tell if the concrete is carbonated?
To determine if concrete has undergone carbonation, a simple test can be performed using phenolphthalein indicator solution. This involves applying the solution to a fresh fracture surface of the concrete and observing any color changes that occur.
If the solution remains colorless after being applied, it indicates that the pH of the concrete is less than 8.6, which suggests that carbonation has taken place. Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide in the air reacts with calcium hydroxide in the concrete, resulting in the formation of calcium carbonate and a decrease in pH.
On the other hand, if the phenolphthalein indicator solution turns purple after being applied to the concrete surface, it suggests that the pH of the concrete is above 8.6, indicating that carbonation has not occurred. This is important as carbonation can lead to a decrease in the durability of concrete structures over time. Therefore, by performing this simple test, it is possible to determine if measures need to be taken to prevent or address carbonation in concrete structures.