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The foundation known as the blanket raft is constructed using a stone blanket as its base, which is built up in layers on a sub-strata level that has been reduced. The design and function of this foundation rely on the composite action that occurs between the crust raft and the stone blanket.

The construction process involves the creation of a crust raft, which is then placed on top of the stone blanket. The stone blanket itself is made up of layers that are carefully constructed on the reduced sub-strata level. This construction method ensures that the foundation is stable and can support the weight of the structure that will be built upon it.

The success of the blanket raft foundation is due to the way it distributes the load of the structure over a large area. This helps to prevent any one point from experiencing too much stress, which can lead to cracking or settling. The composite action between the crust raft and the stone blanket also helps to ensure that the foundation remains stable and does not shift over time.

Overall, the blanket raft foundation is a reliable and effective method for constructing stable foundations for structures. Its use of a stone blanket and composite action with a crust raft ensures that the foundation is strong and can withstand the weight of the structure it supports.

Blanket raft foundation

The interaction between the crust raft and the blanket serves to span over weaker soil spots and support loading dispersion. This is particularly useful when dealing with localized disparities in the sub-strata. In situations where there is an imbalance of load or edge loads, the stone blanket can be utilized to effectively disperse heavy imposed surface loading. Additionally, the stone blanket is an effective method for addressing soft spots in the sub-strata. By working together, the crust raft and stone blanket provide a comprehensive solution for supporting and dispersing loading in areas where soil inconsistencies may be present.

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