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Concrete Design Requirements Based on ACI 318-19

This article is about ACI 318-19 Concrete design examples pdf, ACI 318 concrete cover requirements, concrete grade as per ACI 318. ACI 318-19 (Building Code Requirements for Concrete and Commentary) sets forth specific requirements that concrete materials must meet to ensure their suitability for structural construction.

These requirements vary depending on the type of structure being built. They encompass criteria such as the minimum allowable compressive strength of the concrete for a given structure and the modulus of rupture, among others.

Concrete Design Requirements Based on ACI 318-19

1. Compressive Strength

The compressive strength of concrete is determined through various criteria. These include referencing table 1, which provides specific guidelines for strength specifications. Additionally, the strength requirements of the structure being considered play a crucial role in determining the appropriate compressive strength of the concrete. Furthermore, the durability requirements of the structure may necessitate the use of high concrete compressive strength. This is because durability considerations can impose the need for stronger concrete to ensure the longevity and resilience of the structure.

Table 1 Minimum Design Concrete Compressive Strength for Different Concrete Structures

Type of applicationMinimum concrete compressive strength, MPa
Foundations for structures assigned to SDC A, B, or C17
Foundations for Residential and Utility use and occupancy classification with stud bearing wall construction two stories or less assigned to SDC D, E, or F17
Foundations for structures assigned to SDC D, E, or F other than Residential and Utility use and occupancy classification with stud bearing wall construction two stories or less21
Special moment frames21
Structural walls with Grade 420 or 550 reinforcement21
Structural walls with Grade 690 reinforcement35
Precast-non-prestressed driven piles Drilled shafts28
Precast-prestressed driven piles35
Note: Maximum compressive strength of lightweight concrete in structural walls, moment frames, and their foundations should not be higher than 35MPa, as per ACI 318-19.
Disregard this condition if the strength and toughness of elements made with lightweight concrete are equal or greater than that of comparable members made with conventional concrete. Experimental evidence should demonstrate such a result.
Fig. 1: Compressive Strength Test of Concrete
Fig. 1: Compressive Strength Test of Concrete

2. Modulus of elasticity

The modulus of elasticity of concrete is an important parameter used to determine deflections, vibration periods, and drift in structures. It is typically calculated using equations provided by the ACI 318-19 Code or through testing. While there may be variations between values obtained from equations and those obtained from testing, the theoretical values derived from equations are generally suitable for the majority of structures.

However, significant differences can be observed between equation values and test results, particularly in the case of high-strength concrete, lightweight concrete, and concrete mixtures with a low quantity of coarse aggregate, such as self-consolidating concrete mixtures.

To calculate the modulus of elasticity of concrete, specific expressions are used. For concrete density (Wc) values falling within the range of 1440 to 2560 kg/m^3, certain equations or formulas are employed.

In summary, the modulus of elasticity of concrete plays a crucial role in assessing structural behavior. While equations provide reasonable estimates for most structures, it is important to acknowledge the disparities that may arise, particularly when dealing with high-strength concrete, lightweight concrete, and concrete mixtures with low coarse aggregate content.

Concrete Design Requirements Based on ACI 318-19

For Normal-weight concrete:

Concrete Design Requirements Based on ACI 318-19

The modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ec) is determined through tests that assess specific conditions, such as verifying whether the specified elastic modulus has been attained or when its value is utilized in proportioning concrete mixtures. These tests evaluate the relationship between Ec, the weight of concrete (Wc), and the concrete compressive strength (Fc’).

Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

Fig. 2: Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

3. Modulus of Rupture

The modulus of rupture is determined through a specific mathematical calculation.

Concrete Design Requirements Based on ACI 318-19

The modification factor, lambda, is determined based on the information provided in either Table 2 or Table 3.

Table 2 Values of ? for Lightweight Concrete Based on Equilibrium Density

Wc, Kg/m^3Lamda
Equal or smaller than 16000.75
Greater than 1600 but equal or lower than 21600.0075*Wc equal or lower than 1
Greater than 21601

Table 3 Values of ? for Lightweight Concrete Based on the Composition of Aggregates

ConcreteComposition of aggregatesLamda
All-lightweightLightweight fine and coarse aggregates0.75
Lightweight, fine blendLightweight coarse aggregate blended fine aggregate composed of lightweight aggregate and normal-weight aggregate.0.75 to 0.85
Sand-lightweightNormal weight aggregate, coarse aggregate is lightweight.0.85
Sand-lightweight, coarse blendNormal weight fine aggregate, and blended coarse aggregate composed of lightweight and normal-weight aggregate.0.85 to 1
Note: Lightweight fine and coarse aggregate are two major types. The first type produced from blast-furnace slag, clay, diatomite, fly ash, shale, slate, pumice, scoria, or tuff. The second type composed mainly of lightweight-cellular and granular inorganic material.
Figure 3: Modulus of Rupture of Concrete
Figure 3: Modulus of Rupture of Concrete

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