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Fire Damage Mechanism of RC Structure and Assessment Method

Fire can cause various types of damage to concrete surfaces, including cracking, crazing, chemical decomposition, microcracking, and spalling. These effects can significantly impact the strength, durability, and structural behavior of concrete.

Assessing and evaluating the damage caused by fire is crucial to determine the condition of the structure. This assessment serves as a basis for deciding whether the structure should be demolished or repaired. Since concrete is a highly fire-resistant material, demolition is less likely, and repair is usually the preferred option. The specific repair techniques are determined based on the assessment of the building’s damage.

The assessment process typically involves two phases: preliminary investigation and detailed investigation. Each phase includes specific observations and tests to determine the severity and extent of the damage. Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods can be utilized in assessing the residual durability properties, while core extraction tests are performed to evaluate the residual mechanical properties.

Fire Damage Mechanisms

1. Surface Cracking

Fine surface cracks in concrete, commonly observed during the early stages of concrete formation, result from the shrinkage of the outer layer. Various factors such as low humidity, fire, thermal incompatibility, intense sunlight, and excessive drying contribute to their occurrence. These cracks typically have a depth of 3 mm and form a grid pattern with diameters smaller than 50 mm.

2. Chemical Decomposition

The temperature increase during a fire causes water to evaporate and cement paste to dehydrate, leading to the decomposition of calcium hydroxide and calcium aluminates in concrete. This decomposition occurs after the evaporation of capillary and free water. The chemical and physical changes, as well as dehydration of the cement paste, result in a color change in the concrete, indicating the degree of exposure temperature and estimating the corresponding fire damage. Table 1 provides guidance for interpreting the color change.

Up to a temperature of 300°C, the compressive strength of concrete remains unchanged. However, this temperature serves as a threshold for the speed of strength loss in mortars. Although the concrete’s strength does not change significantly up to 300°C, it is significantly reduced by 30-40% due to internal cracks caused by thermal expansion. The strength of concrete does not recover after cooling.

Chemical Decomposition Led to Change of Color
Fig. 1: Chemical Decomposition Led to Change of Color

Table 1 Use Concrete Color to Determine Degree of Temperature and Assess Concrete Condition

Temperature, CColor changeChange in physical appearance and benchmark temperatureConcrete condition
290-590Pink to redSurface crazing at 300 C, deep cracking at 550 C, and popouts at 590 C.Concrete remain sound but its strength reduces significantly
590-950Whitish greySpalling and exposing less than 25% of steel bar surface at 800 C, powdered; light, and dehydrated cement paste at 890 C.Concrete is weak and friable
Greater than 950BuffExtensive spallingConcrete is weak and friable

3. Microcracking and Spalling

Spalling in concrete occurs when small cracks develop and surface layers separate due to rapid temperature changes, such as in a fire. This process exposes the steel reinforcement, which then undergoes rapid deformation from the heat. When the temperature of a fire reaches around 600°C, the yield strength of the steel reinforcement can be reduced by half. However, if the reinforcement bars cool from a range of 450-600°C, their yield strength can be fully regained depending on the type of steel bar used in manufacturing. Spalling caused by high temperatures can result in the gradual destruction of concrete or the sudden explosive detachment of smaller or larger pieces of concrete measuring less than a few centimeters, particularly during the early stages of heating.

Spalling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Due to Exposure to Fire
Fig. 2: Spalling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Due to Exposure to Fire

Assessment Methods

1. Preliminary Investigation

1.1 Cleaning

Properly cleaning smoke deposits is essential as they conceal fire-related spalling and cracks. Additionally, it enables clearer observations and more accurate identification of deflected and distorted members within the building. Several methods, including water blasting, dry ice blasting, and chemical washing, can be employed for cleaning. Dry ice blasting and chemical washing are particularly preferred due to their minimal risk of causing secondary damages to the concrete structure.

1.2 Visual Inspection

A visual inspector is responsible for documenting various structural issues, including cracks, spalling, deformations, misalignments, distortions, and the exposure of steel reinforcements. Additionally, they need to measure and record the geometry and deflection of certain suspicious structural members.

1.3 Fire Intensity

If previous preliminary investigations do not provide sufficient information to assess the severity of fire damage in a concrete structure and determine future actions, simple field tests can be conducted. One such method involves using a striking hammer and chisel in combination with visual inspection. By striking the concrete material and listening to the sound produced, valuable information can be gathered. Good and hard concrete typically produces a solid ringing sound, while weak concrete tends to create a dull thud and hollow sound. The chisel is employed to examine any softened regions on the concrete surface. These tests assist in assessing the fire damages to the concrete structure.

1.4 Field Tests

Fire intensity can be gauged by assessing the contents of a building and examining the condition of materials after the fire. By inspecting the contents of a structure and considering the melting point of certain materials, one can gain insights into the maximum temperature reached during the fire.

2. Detailed Investigation

Detailed investigations of concrete damages resulting from fire involve a comprehensive analysis that builds upon the findings and recommendations obtained from the preliminary evaluation. These investigations employ a combination of non-destructive and destructive tests to gather essential information.

During the detailed investigations, non-destructive testing techniques are employed to assess the condition of the concrete without causing further damage. These methods allow for the identification of potential issues, such as cracks, spalling, or weakened structural integrity, by utilizing technologies like ground-penetrating radar, ultrasonic testing, or infrared thermography.

In addition to non-destructive tests, destructive tests are also conducted as part of the detailed investigations. These tests involve taking samples from the fire-damaged concrete for laboratory analysis. The samples are carefully extracted and subjected to various tests, including compressive strength testing, chemical analysis, and microstructural examination. These destructive tests provide deeper insights into the concrete’s properties, such as its load-bearing capacity, chemical composition, and the extent of fire-induced damage.

By combining the results from both non-destructive and destructive tests, a thorough understanding of the concrete damages caused by the fire can be obtained. This knowledge serves as a foundation for developing appropriate repair or rehabilitation strategies to restore the structural integrity and functionality of the fire-affected concrete elements.

2.1 Non-destructive tests

Non-destructive tests, like pulse velocity, impact-echo, radar, Windsor probe, and rebound hammer, offer effective means to assess specific concrete properties, such as compressive strength. These tests allow for the evaluation of concrete without causing damage, enabling the determination of important characteristics while preserving the integrity of the material. By utilizing techniques like pulse velocity measurement, impact-echo analysis, radar scanning, Windsor probe testing, and rebound hammer assessment, engineers can accurately specify concrete properties, including compressive strength, without compromising the structural integrity of the material being examined.

2.2 Destructive Test Methods

Destructive test methods require more time and effort compared to non-destructive tests, and caution must be exercised during the sampling process. These tests serve different purposes and can be conducted either in a laboratory setting or in the field. They provide detailed information about material properties, the depth of fire damage, and the location of cracks.

One example of a destructive test is coring, which is typically performed in a laboratory. Coring is primarily used to determine the poison ratio, modulus of elasticity, and compressive strength of concrete. When taking core samples, it is important to select locations where their impact on strength would be minimal while still providing necessary data. Careful consideration is necessary to ensure accurate results.

Taken Core Sample
Fig. 3: Taken Core Sample

To gather reliable information about changes in concrete due to temperature, core samples are collected from both fire-exposed and non-exposed areas. By comparing the results of these tests, valuable insights can be obtained. Core samples provide insights into various aspects such as interior cracking, bonding with reinforcing steel, and interior temperatures, which can be inferred from changes in color (as shown in Fig. 4). Table 2 outlines the test methods used to assess the condition of concrete affected by fire.

Petrographic Examinations of Core Sample of Concrete to Determine Extent, Type and Severity of damage
Fig. 4: Petrographic Examinations of Core Sample of Concrete to Determine Extent, Type and Severity of damage

Table 2 Test Methods Used for Details of Condition of Fire Damaged Concrete

Condition of concrete structureTest Methods
Actual temperature reached in buildingExamination of building contents based on Table 3.
Actual temperature reached in concreteVisual examination of concrete based on Table 1, petrographic see Fig. 4, DTA, and metallurgical studies of steel.
Compressive strengthTests on cores, impact hammer test, penetration resistance, and soniscope test.
Soundness at highly stressed areas (upper side at center of beam; beam supports; anchorages for reinforcement near support; frame corners)Hammer and chisel, visual examination, and Soniscope test.
Modulus of elasticityTests on cores and Soniscope studies
Dehydration of concreteDTA, petrographic, and chemical analysis
Spalling and aggregate performanceVisual examination and petrographic analysis
CrackingVisual examination, soniscope test, and petrographic analysis
Surface hardnessDorry hardness or other tests
Abrasion resistanceLos Angeles abrasion test on concrete chips
Depth of damageVisual examination for spalling, cracking, color variation in cores, chipping, and petrographic analysis
Deformation of beamsVisual examination, straightedge and scale, and dial gages or theodolite if needed.
Gross expansionVisual examination, and Checking of dimensions and levels
Differential thermal movementVisual check of cores for loss of bond to steel, and color change in concrete next to steel.
Reinforcing steel, structural steel, or prestressing steelPhysical tests, metallurgical studies, dimensional changes, displacement, and distortion.
Load carrying capacityLoad tests on structure

Table 3 Conditions of Materials Useful for Estimating Temperature Attained Within a Structure During a Fire

MaterialExamplesConditionsTemperature, C
LeadPluming leadShape edges rounded or drops formed300-350
ZincPlumbing fixturesDrops formed400          
Aluminum and its alloysSmall machine parts, toilet fixturesDrops formed650
Molded glassGlass block; jars and bottlesSoftened or adherent700-750
Molded glassGlass block; jars and bottlesrounded750
Molded glassGlass block; jars and bottlesThoroughly flowed800
Sheet glassWindow glass, plate glassRounded800
Sheet glassWindow glass, plate glassThoroughly flowed850
Sheet glassWindow glass, plate glassSharp edges rounded or drops formed950
SilverJewelry, coinsRounded800
SilverJewelry, coinsThoroughly flowed850
SilverJewelry, coinsSharp edges rounded or drops formed950
BrassDoor knobs, locks, lumpSharp edges rounded or drops formed900-1000
BronzeWindow framesSharp edges rounded or drops formed1000
CopperElectric wireSharp edges rounded or drops formed1100
Cast ironPipes, radiatorsDrops formed1100-1200

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