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What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand and interact with humans using natural language. NLP is used in a variety of applications such as automated customer service, voice recognition, and automated text understanding. NLP algorithms are also used in search engine optimization (SEO) to understand and interpret user search queries and deliver relevant results.

NLP algorithms are used to help machines interpret and understand natural language in order to better understand user intent and accurately predict user behavior. Through the use of NLP algorithms, machines can make sense of the context and meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. This enables them to better understand the way humans interact and communicate with each other.

In this article, we will discuss how Natural Language Processing works and explore the different types of NLP algorithms and applications.

How Does Natural Language Processing Work?

Current approaches to Natural Language Processing (NLP) are based on deep learning, which is an artificial intelligence field that examines and uses patterns present in data to improve a computer’s understanding. Deep learning models require huge amounts of labeled data to train as well as identify those relevant and important data correlations. Assembling this type of big dataset is the main hurdle to natural language processing.

Earlier approaches to NLP involved more rules-based approaches where simpler machine learning models were told what phrases and words to look for in the text providing certain responses when those words and phrases appeared. However, deep learning is a more intuitive and more flexible approach in which the algorithms learn to identify speaker intent from many different examples, just like how a child learns his or her native language.

Natural language processing breaks down those elemental pieces of human language. NLP includes many different approaches and techniques for analyzing and interpreting human language ranging from machine learning methods to statistical methods to rules-based and algorithmic models. To do practical natural language processing, you need several different approaches as the text and voice-based data commonly vary.

Types of NLP Algorithms and Applications

Basic natural language processing tasks breakdown human language into elemental pieces and try to understand the relationships between the pieces as well as explore how these pieces work together to create meaning. There are some underlying tasks marking higher-level natural language capabilities such as topic modeling and discovery, content categorization, sentiment analysis, text to speech and speech to text conversion, content categorization and machine translation.

Content categorization is a linguistic-based summary of documents that includes indexing, search, duplication detection and content alerts. Topic modeling and discovery involves accurately capturing the themes and meaning into text collections and applying advanced analytics to textual data like forecasting and text optimization.

Natural language processing is also used for contextual extraction which automatically pulls structured information from textual data. NLP techniques are also used for sentiment analysis which identifies the subjective opinions and moods within large textual data including opinion mining and average sentiment analysis. In addition, NLP is used for transforming text commands into voice and vice versa in text to speech and speech to text conversion.

With natural language processing you can perform document summarization which automatically generates different synopses of large bodies of textual data. NLP is also used for machine translation, which is automatic translation of speech or text from one language to another.


Natural language processing is a powerful tool for businesses to understand user intent and accurately predict user behavior. NLP algorithms are used to help machines interpret and understand natural language in order to better understand user intent and accurately predict user behavior. NLP algorithms can be used for a variety of applications such as automated customer service, voice recognition, automated text understanding, and search engine optimization. NLP algorithms can also be used for content categorization, sentiment analysis, text to speech and speech to text conversion, document summarization and machine translation.

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