Using Energy Efficient Fans to Reduce Operating Costs
Fans are an essential component of many industrial applications, from boilers to cooling towers. Owners of these facilities can significantly reduce their operating costs by investing in energy efficient fan systems. This article will discuss the various opportunities for increasing fan efficiency, such as fan over-sizing, adjustable speed drives, and high-efficiency belts.
Fan Oversizing
Most fan systems are overly large for their applications, resulting in efficiency losses of 1-5%. To reduce these losses, some facilities opt to replace the fan system with another of a more appropriate size. However, it can be more cost-effective to install adjustable speed drives (ASDs) to control the speed of the fan.
Adjustable Speed Drives
Installing ASDs on fans can lead to significant energy savings of 14-49%. In one case study, a facility identified the opportunity to install ASDs on six motors in the cooling tower (ranging from 40 hp to 125 hp). This resulted in an estimated electricity savings of 1.2 million kWh/year, leading to an annual savings of about $46,000.
High Efficiency Belts
Half of fan systems use standard V-belts, which are prone to stretching, slipping, bending, and compressing – all of which reduce efficiency. Replacing these standard V-belts with high-efficiency cog belts can lead to energy savings and a lower maintenance burden. The improvement in efficiency can be as much as 2%, with typical payback periods ranging from less than one year to three years.
Investing in energy efficient fan systems can lead to significant cost savings for industrial facilities. Options such as fan over-sizing, adjustable speed drives, and high-efficiency belts can all contribute to improved efficiency and lower operating costs.