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Impressed Current Cathode Protection – QC Inspector Notes

This article is about Cathode Protection QC Aramco and topic is related to Impressed Current Cathode Protection.

What is Impressed Current Cathode Protection (ICCP)?

Impressed Current Cathode Protection (ICCP) is a method used to prevent corrosion on metal structures such as pipelines, offshore structures, and ships. It involves the application of an external electrical current to the metal structure to offset the electrochemical reactions that lead to corrosion.

The ICCP system consists of an anode, a cathode, a power supply, and a reference electrode. The anode, usually made of a material such as graphite or titanium, is placed in close proximity to the metal structure to be protected. The cathode is the metal structure itself. The power supply is used to apply a current to the anode, which causes a flow of electrons to the cathode, effectively neutralizing the electrochemical reactions that cause corrosion.

The reference electrode is used to measure the potential difference between the anode and the cathode. This measurement is used to adjust the current applied to the anode to ensure that the cathode is protected from corrosion.

ICCP is a highly effective method of corrosion protection and is widely used in the marine and oil and gas industries. It is a preferred method over sacrificial anode cathode protection where the anode gets consumed over time and has to be replaced periodically.

QC Inspector Notes (Impressed Current Cathode Protection)

  1. What type of conductors are required for impressed current cathodic protection cable?

a) Annealed aluminum b) Annealed copper c) Annealed steel d) Annealed silver

2. Which standard should be followed for the concentric-lay stranding of the cathodic protection cable?

a) ASTM B3 b) ASTM B8 c) IEC 60228 d) ISO 9001

3. What is the class requirement for the concentric-lay stranding of the cathodic protection cable as per ASTM B8?

a) Class A or B b) Class B or C c) Class C or D d) Class D or E

4. What type of insulation is required for positive cables in cathodic protection systems?


5. What standards must be followed for the copper conductor sizes and number of strands for positive cables in cathodic protection systems?

A) ASTM B3 B) IEC 60228 C) ASTM B8 Class A D) NEMA WC 70

6. What type of stranded conductor is required for positive cables in cathodic protection systems?

A) Concentric-lay stranded Class A per ASTM B8 B) Concentric-lay stranded Class B per ASTM B8 C) Concentric-lay stranded Class C per ASTM B8 D) Concentric-lay stranded Class 2 per IEC 60228

7. What is the time limit for achieving cathodic protection after commissioning of the facility?

a) 60 days b) 45 days c) 30 days d) 15 days

8. Which document provides guidance for cathodic protection of plant facilities?

A. 17-SAMSS-017 B. 17-SAMSS-004 C. SAES-X-600 D. 17-SAMSS-007

9. Which document specifies the requirements for impressed current cathodic protection cables?

A. 17-SAMSS-017 B. 17-SAMSS-004 C. SAES-X-600 D. 17-SAMSS-007

10. Which document specifies the requirements for conventional (tap adjustable) rectifiers for cathodic protection? A. 17-SAMSS-017 B. 17-SAMSS-004 C. SAES-X-600 D. 17-SAMSS-007

Read Also: Cathodic Protection QC Notes of Aramc


1b) Annealed copper2b) ASTM B8
3b) Class B or C4B) HMWPE
5Answer: B) IEC 602286D) Concentric-lay stranded Class 2 per IEC 60228
7c) 30 days8C. SAES-X-600
9A. 17-SAMSS-01710B. 17-SAMSS-004
Impressed Current Cathode Protection

Read Also: Cathodic Protection QC Notes of Aramco

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