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Introduction to AWS Elastic File System(EFS)

AWS Storage Services

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Key Point: AWS offers a wide range of storage services that can be provisioned depending on your project requirements and use case. All of which fall under the AWS Storage Services list.

AWS Elastic File System

Achieve High Throughput and Low Latency with AWS Elastic File System

A Fully Managed, File-Level Storage Service

Key Point: EFS is a file-level, fully managed, storage provided by AWS that can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances concurrently. Just like the AWS EBS, EFS is specially designed for high throughput and low latency applications.

Different Standard Storage Class AWS EFS:

Get Frequently Accessible Storage with Standard Storage Class

What is the Standard Storage Class?

Standard storage class is the default storage class for AWS EFS. It is a cost-effective storage option for frequently accessed files. The user is charged only for the storage used.

Benefits of Standard Storage Class

Standard storage class offers quick access to files, making it ideal for frequently accessed files. It is also cost-effective, as the user is charged only for the storage used.

Infrequently Accessed Storage Class

Get Cost-Effective Storage with Infrequently Accessed Storage Class

What is the Infrequently Accessed Storage Class?

An infrequently accessed storage class is a cost-effective storage option for rarely accessed files. The user is charged not only for the storage of files but also charged for read and write operations. This storage class is ideal for storing rarely accessed files.

Benefits of Infrequently Accessed Storage Class

The infrequently accessed storage class offers cost-effectiveness as the user is charged for read and write operations as well as storage. It is ideal for storing rarely accessed files and can help reduce storage costs. However, it should be noted that increased latency may be experienced when reading or writing files.

Different Performance Modes in EFS:


General-purpose mode offers low latency and supports a maximum of 7000 IOPS. This mode is ideal for most use cases and is the default option for EFS. As a Cloudwatch metric, you can view the amount of IOPS your architecture uses and switch to Max IOPS if necessary.

Max I/O:

Max I/O mode is recommended when EFS needs more than 7000 IOPS. This mode provides theoretical unlimited I/O speeds and is suitable for applications that require higher throughput. It is also more expensive than general-purpose mode and should be used only when necessary.

Different Throughput Modes in EFS:

Connecting to Amazon EFS

Connecting to Amazon EFS is a straightforward and easy process. All that is needed is an EC2 instance, an EFS volume, and the appropriate permissions.

Create an EFS Volume

The first step to connecting to EFS is to create an EFS volume. This can be done through the AWS Console. Choose the correct VPC and configuration that best suits your use case and create the EFS.

Create EC2 Instances

The next step is to create one or more EC2 instances. This will depend on the use case.

Allow the EC2 Security Group to Access EFS

Allow the EC2 security group access to the EFS. This will ensure the EC2 instance can access the EFS volume.

Connect to EFS from EC2

Once the EFS volume is created and the EC2 instance is set up, the next step is to connect to the EFS from the EC2 instance. There are two primary methods of connecting to EFS from an EC2 instance: Linux NFS Client or EFS Mount Helper.

Linux NFS Client

The Linux NFS Client is the traditional method of connecting to file systems. It is a straightforward process that requires knowledge of the command-line interface.

EFS Mount Helper

The EFS Mount Helper is the AWS recommended way of connecting to EFS from an EC2 instance. It is a simpler solution that does not require knowledge of the command-line interface.

Accessing the EFS Volume

Once connected to the EFS volume, a folder will be created. This folder can then be used to store and access the files stored in the EFS. Any files created in this directory can be accessed or edited from any EC2 instances that have access to the EFS.

Throughput Modes

Amazon EFS has two primary throughput modes: Burst Mode and Provisioned Mode.

Burst Mode

Burst Mode allows for 100MBPS of burst speed per TB of storage. This mode is ideal for applications that don’t require consistent high performance.

Provisioned Mode

In Provisioned Mode, users can decide the maximum burst speed of the EFS. This mode is ideal for applications that require consistent performance, but comes with a higher price tag.

Features of AWS EFS

Storage Capacity:

EFS provides an unlimited capacity that can scale up and down according to user demand. It is a fully managed service, so there is no need to create, manage, and maintain file servers and storage.

Multi EC-2 Connectivity:

EFS can be shared between different EC-2 instances using mount targets. Mount targets are access points for EFS that are connected to respective EC2 instances to provide access to EFS.


AWS EFS is a region-specific service, but it is available in multiple Availability Zones within a region. This allows EC2 instances across different Availability Zones to access the same EFS for faster access.

EFS Lifecycle Management:

Lifecycle management allows users to move files between storage classes. Users can set a retention period (in days) for files stored in the standard storage class. Any files that remain untouched for this period will be moved to Infrequently Accessed (IA) storage to reduce costs. Once the files are accessed in IA storage, they are moved back to the standard storage. File metadata and files under 128KB are not eligible for transfer to IA storage. Users can turn lifecycle management on and off as needed.


The redundant storage of data across multiple Availability Zones ensures high durability for the Elastic File System.

Data Transfer:

Data can be transferred from on-premise to EFS in the cloud using AWS Data Sync Service. Data Sync can also be used to transfer data between multiple EFS across regions.

Introduction to AWS Elastic File System(EFS)

Use Cases of AWS EFS

Multiple Server Architectures:

EFS is the only service that provides a shared file system in AWS. As such, any applications requiring multiple servers to share a single file system will need to use EFS.

Big Data Analytics:

The virtually infinite capacity and high throughput of EFS makes it an ideal choice for storing files for Big data analysis.

Reliable Data File Storage:

Data stored on EBS is stored redundantly in a single Availability Zone, while data stored on EFS is stored redundantly in multiple Availability Zones. This makes EFS more reliable than EBS.

Media Processing:

The high capacity and throughput of EFS makes it an ideal choice for processing large media files.

Limitations of AWS Elastic File System (EFS):

Protocol Support:

EFS only supports the Network File System (NFS) protocol, so it can only be mounted and accessed by devices that support NFS.

File Locking:

EFS does not support file locking, so it is not suitable for applications that require file locking for concurrent access.

Hard Links and Symbolic Links:

EFS does not support hard links or symbolic links.

Maximum File Size:

EFS has a maximum file size of 47.9 TB.

Maximum Throughput and IOPS:

EFS has a maximum throughput of 1000 MB/s per file system, and a maximum of 16,000 IOPS per file system.

Maximum Number of Files:

EFS has a maximum number of files and directories that can be created within a single file system, which is determined by the size of the file system. For example, a 1 TB file system can support up to about 20 million files and directories.

Regional Availability:

EFS is only available in certain regions, and it is not possible to migrate data between regions.

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