Linear Measurement in Surveying: Methods
Surveying involves the measurement of linear distances and angles. Linear measurements can be performed by three main methods: direct method, electromagnetic methods, and optical methods. The most commonly employed direct method is the use of a chain, tape, or other instrument to measure the linear distance.
Direct Methods of Linear Measurement
Direct methods of linear measurement involve the use of various tools. These include linear measurement by pacing, passometer, pedometer, odometer and speedometer, and chaining.
Linear Measurement by Pacing
Linear measurement by pacing is a direct method of measuring the length of a line. It is done by counting the number of steps required to cover the distance between two points.
Linear Measurement by Passometer
Linear measurement by passometer is a direct method of measuring the length of a line. It involves the use of an instrument called a passometer, which is used to measure the number of steps taken in a given distance.
Linear Measurement by Pedometer
Linear measurement by pedometer is a direct method of measuring the length of a line. It involves the use of an instrument called a pedometer, which is used to measure the number of steps taken in a given distance.
Linear Measurement by Odometer and Speedometer
Linear measurement by odometer and speedometer is a direct method of measuring the length of a line. It involves the use of instruments called odometers and speedometers, which are used to measure the distance and speed of a vehicle.
Linear Measurement by Chaining
Linear measurement by chaining is a direct method of measuring the length of a line. It involves the use of a chain, rope, or tape to measure the length of a line. The chain is stretched between two points and the length is measured by counting the number of chain links.
1. Pacing
What is Pacing Technique?
The pacing technique is a method used in carrying out preliminary surveys and explorations. It involves the surveyor conducting a quick, rough survey in order to check the distance measured by other means.
How is Pacing Technique Used?
The pacing technique is typically used in conducting preliminary surveys and explorations. In this method, the surveyor is required to conduct a rough survey quickly. This serves the purpose of checking the distance measured by other means.
Benefits of Pacing Technique
The pacing technique is highly beneficial for conducting preliminary surveys and explorations. It enables the surveyor to carry out a quick, rough survey which can be used to check the distance measured by other means. This helps to save time and resources.
Pacing: How to Measure Line Lengths
Pacing is a method of measuring line lengths by counting the number of paces between two points. Knowing the average length of a pace enables the determination of the length of the line. The pace length varies depending on the person measuring, the ground, the pace speed, and the slope of the land.
Factors That Influence Pace Length
When pacing, it is important to walk on a level ground and measure various lines of known lengths in order to determine the length of one’s natural step. It is more challenging to measure pacing over rough ground or on slopes.
2. Passometer
What is a Passometer?
A passometer is a small device that is designed to be worn on a person’s body, either attached to their pocket or tied to their leg. It is essentially a watch-like instrument that is used to track the number of steps taken by a person when they move from one point to another.
How Does a Passometer Work?
The passometer works by measuring the number of steps taken by a person as they move from one point to another. It records the number of steps taken within a certain period of time, allowing the user to track their progress. The device is typically worn on the person’s pocket or tied to their leg, allowing it to accurately measure each step taken.
Benefits of Using a Passometer
Using a passometer has several benefits. It can be used to track progress, allowing the user to monitor their progress over time. It can also be used as a tool to motivate people to stay active and reach their fitness goals. Additionally, it can also be used to monitor health and wellness, as well as to track activity levels.
Pace Counting
Pace counting is a method used by surveyors to measure distances. It involves counting the number of paces taken when travelling a known route. The distance is calculated by multiplying the number of paces by the average length of the pace. This technique eliminates the monotony and strain associated with traditional counting methods
3. Pedometer
What is a Pedometer?
A pedometer is a device similar to a passometer that is used to measure the distance travelled. It is particularly effective in measuring vertical distances.
Advantages of Using a Pedometer
Pedometers are beneficial when it comes to tracking the amount of distance travelled. They provide an accurate measurement of both vertical and horizontal distances. This makes them an ideal device for tracking activity and measuring exercise goals.
4. Odometer
Accuracy of Speedometer on Undulating Surfaces
Speedometers are not designed to provide accurate results when used on undulating surfaces. The uneven terrain can cause the instrument to display inaccurate readings, thus making it unreliable.
Accuracy of Speedometer on Smooth Surfaces
However, when the surface is smooth, a speedometer can be used to provide accurate results. The instrument will be able to detect the speed of the vehicle accurately, allowing for precise readings.
Accuracy of Speedometers on Undulating Surfaces
Speedometers are not designed to provide accurate results when used on an undulating surface. The accuracy of speedometers is only reliable when used on a smooth surface.
Using Speedometers on Smooth Surfaces
Speedometers can be used to measure speed on a smooth surface. The accuracy of the speedometer is reliable when used on a flat surface, providing an accurate reading of speed.
5. Chaining
What is Chaining Method?
Chaining Method is an accurate way to determine linear measurements. It involves the use of a chain, tape or a special bar depending on the precision needed. This method is used to measure distances with great accuracy.
How is Chaining Method Used?
Chaining Method is used to measure distances with great precision. A chain is used for ordinary precision while a tape or a special bar is used for high precision. This method is used to accurately determine the linear measurements.