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Minimum Requirements to Perform Field Survey for a Parcel(s) of Land

1.         PURPOSE


1.1       This engineering specification defines for the contractor the minimum requirements to perform a field survey for a parcel(s) of land, and the preparation of drawings (plats) providing data and a legal description of each parcel of land including all easements and right-of-ways or other restrictions on the lands.



2.         SCOPE


2.1       This specification is applicable to all parcels of land so designated for development and/or purchase.


2.2       The contractor shall provide all equipment, materials, and labor necessary to satisfy the contract property survey requirements.





3.1       Bureau of Land Management


3.1.1   Manual of Surveying Instructions



4.         GENERAL


4.1       The survey shall be conducted by the office of a licensed surveyor or engineer, except in locations where licenses are not required by state law, in which case a surveyor of established reputation may be employed. The surveyor shall be furnished with the legal description of the property taken from the deed (or from previous deed if a new land purchase), if available, and/or a plat of the parcel(s) of land describing the area(s) of land to be surveyed. The surveyor is responsible for eliminating all discrepancies and properly closing the survey.


4.2       The surveyor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and services necessary to perform all the requirements to complete the survey, to place monuments, and to prepare all plats and legal descriptions for a completed and documented survey.


4.3       When required by Air Products, a Surveyor’s Report and Certification Form (or similar applicable certificate) will be supplied to the surveyor by the applicable title insurance company for completion.


4.4       Submitted drawings shall be properly signed and dated, and the license or seal (where required) of the surveyor clearly indicated thereon. Survey drawing design files shall be as described in Section 9 of this specification.


5.               SURVEY


5.1             The survey work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:


5.1.1         Survey the parcel(s) of land with transit and steel tape, record all bearings and distances (including curve data and deflection angles), and all physical features as follows:      A definite point of beginning properly referenced and tied to reference points (such as permanent monuments and intersection of centerlines of streets).      Each boundary line of the property shall be located by metes and bounds with bearings given on points of the compass. When possible, the bearings given shall refer to the true meridian. However, as a minimum, bearings must be referred to some well-defined and permanent line so that they may be re‑established with accuracy. Where the meridian and/or the reference lines differ, both must be shown on the survey plat. Indicate whether survey is based on true or magnetic north. True or magnetic north arrow shall be indicated in the upper right quadrant of the plat.      Each range, township, section, and quarter section line traversing or bounding the property. If the survey is that of a lot, lots, or parts of lots on a filed map or subdivision, the lot number, blocks (if any), lot lines, and adjoining lot numbers shall be shown.      Names of owners of adjoining property with indication as to the limits of the other’s property on the boundary line. The character of all evidence of possession along the bounding lines (whether fence, wall fence, buildings, monuments, or otherwise) shall be shown and the location thereof carefully given in relation to reference or record description lines.      Contiguity, gores, or overlaps in all surveys of multiple parcels.      Location, size, and kind of improvements on the property (such as buildings and roadways). When there are buildings or paved roads on the property, tie in a key building or roadway to at least one monument.      The location, width, and name or other designation of parallel or adjoining streets and highways. If streets abutting the premises are not physically opened to traffic, indicate this information on the survey.      The location of any railroad paralleling or adjoining the property—giving the distance from the centerline of the near track to the property line. If a railroad spur is indicated as a requirement for the property, furnish all pertinent information relative to the existing railroad trackage, grading within the railroad right-of-way, utility poles, and height of aerial wires, fences, drainage structures and ditches (material, size, and invert elevations), and any other structures or known underground pipelines that may be detrimental to the installation of the railroad spur or which may affect any drainage characteristics of the existing or proposed railroad on this property. In addition, elevations [top of existing rail(s), traverse (such as curve data), size of rail, and nearest mile post station] shall be indicated and referenced to the nearest property corner or monument.      Location, size, and depth of items such as ditches, drains, culverts, or bridges on the property, adjoining or paralleling the property (including invert elevations).    Location, size, and depth of water or sewer lines located on or adjacent to that which will serve the property. Indicate whether they are storm, sanitary, or combined sewers. Include invert elevations of each water or sewer line.    Location of items such as fences, wooded areas, catch basins, manholes, poles (telephone, telegraph, and electric), height of aerial wires and fire hydrants on the property, adjoining or paralleling the property.    Right-of-ways or other permanent easements on or across the property. Cemeteries and burial grounds located within the premises must be shown by actual location.    Exact measurements of encroachments of every character such as buildings, fences, or roadways.    Building line restrictions. If the municipality in which the land is situated has adopted a zoning ordinance or law, the zoning classification and all setback lines must be shown and a statement placed on the plan as to conformity, nonconformity, or violation of said ordinance or law.    Location and elevation of any existing bench marks on the property with an indication as to the basis of the said datum.    Topographical data with contours shown at 600 mm (2 ft) intervals and spot grade elevations at 15.2 m (50 ft) intervals.    All horizontal controls establishing the property boundary shall be tied into the local grid system that prevails, if one is readily available.    Acreage shall be computed to three decimal places. Areas of less than an acre shall be shown in square feet to two decimal places. All distances to be indicated in feet to two decimal places.


5.1.2         The surveyor must prove the accuracy of the survey by a closed traverse within the following maximum limits on error of closure:


Urban Properties    300 mm in 6100 m (1 ft in 20,000 ft)

Rural Properties:

Farmland                300 mm in 1500 m (1 ft in 5,000 ft)

Woodland               300 mm in 600 m (1 ft in 2,000 ft)      All measurements shall be in accordance with the United States system (see paragraph 3.1.1) except in those cases where mapped areas, by their physical establishment, produce a standard of their own. The boundaries, as well as the lines of interior subdivisions, shall contain all the data necessary to establish the correctness of the mathematical figure represented by said lines—that is, bearings and distances must be given for each tangent boundary. Where curved, elements of the curve shall be given—that is, the radius and the length of the curve—together with the bearing and length of the chord.      For city or village lots and plots, distances to the nearest intersecting street must be given. Where conditions and the layout permit, include the distance of the intersecting street in both directions from the surveyed premises. The bearing of the nearest intersecting street shall be indicated.      Surveys of parcels within a large tract shall be related to one of the exterior lines of the tract, preferably by distance along a street. The deeds of all adjacent owners shall be examined and citations thereto indicated on the survey plan. In rugged terrain, it is recommended that vertical angles and vertical chaining be used on excessive slopes and corrected to horizontal distances. All measurements made with a steel tape shall be corrected to a temperature of 20C (68F).      When the parcel surveyed is laid out on a filed map, the survey must designate the title of the map, file date, map number, lots, and blocks of the premises. If all or any part of the parcel is or was shown on any other map or maps (whether existing or abandoned), such lot, street, and map lines shall be indicated or superimposed on the survey. When the streets and lot lines are identical to those on another map, a notation to that effect can be made.


5.1.3         The survey shall show the following additional information for waterfront properties:      High and low water lines of adjacent water courses and harbor lines.   Width of navigable water adjoining property as well as channel depth and harbor, pier head, bulkhead, and channel lines. Show status of riparian rights.





6.1          Concrete monuments shall be set into the ground at each outside corner and intersecting corner. Concrete monuments shall be clearly identified on the plat. Monuments shall be at least 750 mm (30 in) deep with brass top plate and a 19 mm (3/4 in) steel reinforcing rod (or equivalent) running lengthwise through the monument to permit location by dip needle or mine detector.





7.1          The surveyor shall furnish a written, legal description of the property based on the actual survey that must agree with the measurements and courses given on the plat. The plat must be properly signed and dated and the license or seal of the surveyor clearly indicated thereon.





8.1          The drawings, as required and specified herein, shall be prepared as follows:


8.1.1      Plans shall include all data as specified in Section 5, paragraphs 5.1.1, 5.1.3, and Section 6 of this specification.


8.1.2      Plans shall be drawn to a scale of 1 mm = 600 mm (1 in = 50 ft) or multiples thereof depending on the area encompassed by the survey. Congested areas shall be drawn to larger scales as appropriate.


8.1.3      Drawing sizes shall conform to Air Products sheet size D, 550 x 850 mm (22 x 34 in) (preferred) or E, 850 x 1100 mm (34 x 44 in).


8.1.4      All drawings shall be prepared on Mylar, or similar stable reproducible material.



9.            COMPUTER FILES


9.1          The survey information shall be submitted electronically. Submitted design files shall be those used for the completed drawings. Raw field data may be included but shall be placed on a CAD level that is separate from the drawing’s main content. The preferred format of the files is Intergraph Microstation; however, native AutoCAD or AutoCAD compatible .DWG format files are also acceptable. If there is a third party software used with the AutoCAD software to formulate the drawings required, this software shall be translated to the AutoCAD compatible .DWG format. The electronic file submittal shall clearly indicate the file format used.


9.2          The information is to be located on six separate layers as follows:


9.2.1      All aboveground features except vegetation.


9.2.2      Vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and hedges).


9.2.3      All below ground features.


9.2.4      Ground level points and values.


9.2.5      All text (except ground levels).


9.2.6      All property survey information (metes and bounds).

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