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Skills Required to Become a Cloud Engineer

Cloud Computing: An Overview

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is the on-demand provisioning of computer resources, such as data storage and computational power, all available through the internet. This means that users can access their platforms, databases, and software on-demand, remotely, reducing the physical computing power and memory of the individual computers.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has seen a huge surge in adoption over the past few years, with companies of all sizes adopting the technology. Cloud computing offers businesses numerous benefits such as cost reduction, increased scalability, and flexibility. The current market size of cloud computing is estimated to be 371.5 billion dollars and is expected to grow significantly more. Tech giants like Amazon, Google, IBM, and

What is a Cloud Engineer?

A Cloud Engineer is an IT professional who is responsible for the management and design of cloud computing infrastructure. They play a key role in deploying cloud services, understanding cloud technologies, and scaling up cloud resources.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Cloud Engineer

The roles and responsibilities of a Cloud Engineer vary depending on the company they are working for. Generally, they are responsible for the following tasks:

• Maintenance: Cloud Engineers are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of cloud infrastructure, ensuring the smooth functioning of cloud services.

• Planning: Cloud Engineers are responsible for planning, researching, and forecasting the scalability of cloud resources.

• Support: Cloud Engineers are responsible for providing technical support to cloud users, resolving any issues that may arise.

• Design: Cloud Engineers are responsible for designing, building, and testing cloud systems and applications.

• Management: Cloud Engineers are responsible for ensuring the security and reliability of cloud infrastructure, as well as managing the day-to-day operations of cloud services.

Types of Cloud Engineers

Cloud Engineers are further divided into specialized roles, each with their own set of responsibilities. Here are the most common types of Cloud Engineers:

• Cloud Software Engineer: Cloud Software Engineers are responsible for developing, testing, and deploying cloud-based applications.

• Cloud System Engineer: Cloud System Engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing cloud systems and networks.

• Cloud Network Engineer: Cloud Network Engineers are responsible for configuring and managing cloud networks.

• Cloud Security Engineer: Cloud Security Engineers are responsible for ensuring the security of cloud infrastructure.

• Cloud Architect: Cloud Architects are responsible for designing, building, and managing cloud-based solutions.


Cloud Engineers are an integral part of cloud computing, and their roles and responsibilities vary depending on the company they are working for. Generally, they are responsible for the maintenance, planning, support, design, and management of cloud infrastructure. Additionally, Cloud Engineers are divided into specialized roles, such as Cloud Software Engineer, Cloud System Engineer, Cloud Network Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, and Cloud Architect.

Why Learn Cloud Computing?

Learning cloud computing can open up a world of exciting career opportunities for those with the right skills. Companies are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to store, process, and manage their data and applications, meaning a well-trained cloud engineer is a valuable asset. With the right knowledge, cloud engineers can help organizations transition to the cloud, optimize their services, and ensure the security of their data. In addition, cloud engineers can be highly compensated for their expertise, as the demand for these skills is only expected to grow in the coming years.

For those looking to develop their cloud computing skills, there are many options available. For beginners, there are plenty of resources online, such as tutorials, webinars, and online courses, to help guide them through the basics. More advanced users may want to consider certifications, such as the AWS Certified Solutions Architect, which can help demonstrate their knowledge and expertise. Additionally, there are many conferences and events dedicated to cloud computing, where experts from around the world come together to share their knowledge and experiences.

Overall, learning cloud computing can be a great way to further one’s career and open up new opportunities. With the right resources and motivation, anyone can become a cloud engineer and help companies transition to the cloud. In addition, the demand for these skills is only expected to grow, making it a valuable and rewarding career choice.

How To Become a Cloud Engineer?

Amazon Web Services has partnered with Coursera to provide a range of courses to help students and professionals acquire the skills necessary to become a cloud engineer. These courses include eight AWS courses, which provide a comprehensive introduction to the world of cloud computing. Additionally, the courses are taught by experts working for Amazon, giving learners an in-depth understanding of the technology and how it is used within the company. Furthermore, students can opt to take the AWS professional certification exam, which is highly valuable when applying for a job.

Google Cloud Platform has also partnered with Coursera to offer a variety of courses to help students and professionals become cloud engineers. These courses provide an introduction to the GCP, and upon completion, learners can opt to take the Google Cloud Platform certification exam. Microsoft also offers its cloud courses through Udacity nanodegree programs, with scholarships occasionally available for students.

Overall, there are numerous resources available online to learn cloud computing, ranging from professional certifications to blog posts and YouTube videos. With so much content available, it can be difficult to choose the right course that fits your needs. However, by opting for courses taught by experts working in leading cloud providers like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, learners can gain a deeper insight into the technology and how it is used in the corporate environment.

Skills You Should Master to Become a Cloud Engineer:

1. Understanding the Linux OS:

Understanding the fundamentals of the Linux OS is a must for cloud engineers and architects. With good hands-on experience on a Linux operating system, one can easily carry out basic commands such as installing packages, modifying them, and carrying out load analysis. Additionally, virtual machines can be set up with VirtualBox or cloud environments for more complex tasks.

2. Programming Skills:

Gaining proficiency in a few programming languages is essential for cloud computing. ASP.NET is used to provide dynamic web pages and cutting-edge solutions. SQL is used to store, manipulate, and process large data. Python is used to develop serverless applications, especially in AWS. Golang is used for concurrency and parallelism management, especially when working with GCP. Lastly, PHP is used to automate websites or websites with multiple functions.

3. Networking and Internet Protocols:

A good working knowledge of networking and the internet is essential for cloud-centric roles. Network management and improving responsive networks are critical for automating procedure adjustments. It is important to gain an understanding of virtual networks and network fundamentals for this.

4. DevOps and Containerization:

DevOps is a popular framework in the cloud, and AWS DevOps is highly in demand. Containerization abstracts applications from one another in the cloud, making them easier to deploy. Therefore, learning Docker or Kubernetes is beneficial for cloud engineers.

5. Understanding Virtualization:

Virtualization is the process of running application software on virtual machines instead of personal individual hardware. This reduces hardware dependency and aids in fault tolerance, making it a desirable skill for cloud engineers. AWS EC2 and AWS Lambda are examples of virtualization.

6. Cloud Service Providers:

AWS is the leader in cloud service providers, closely followed by Microsoft’s Azure. Gaining knowledge about how different cloud providers work and ship resources is important for cloud engineers. Other cloud providers include Google’s GCP, IBM, and OpenStack.

7. Security and Recovery:

Cloud security and disaster recovery are difficult subdomains in cloud computing. Advanced skills in cybersecurity and cloud are necessary to ensure that data breaches or disasters do not lead to losses and unavailability of services.

8. Web Services and API:

Cloud infrastructure heavily relies on APIs and web services for the integration of applications on the internet. XML, SOAP, WSDL, and other open standards are used to transfer and describe data and list services available. Understanding these fundamentals is essential for cloud engineers.

Microsoft are investing heavily in their cloud infrastructures, increasing the need for cloud engineers and experts worldwide.

Becoming a Cloud Engineer

To become a cloud engineer, individuals need to have the right skills and knowledge. These skills include an understanding of cloud architectures, security, networking, scripting, and automation. Additionally, cloud engineers need to have a good understanding of the cloud provider’s offerings and be able to troubleshoot any issues that arise. Cloud engineers also need to have a good understanding of the underlying infrastructure such as servers, storage, and databases.


Cloud computing is growing at a tremendous rate and has created numerous employment opportunities around the globe. To become a cloud engineer, individuals need to have the right skills and knowledge, such as an understanding of cloud architectures, security, networking, scripting, and automation. Additionally, cloud engineers need to have a good understanding of the cloud provider’s offerings and be able to troubleshoot any issues that arise. With its numerous benefits, cloud computing has become an essential part of any business.

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