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Standard Codes for Concrete Admixtures

Concrete admixtures are substances that are added to the mixture of concrete or mortar during or immediately before its mixing. These materials, which exclude water, aggregates, hydraulic cement, and fiber reinforcement, are used to enhance the properties of concrete or mortar in both its plastic and hardened states.

Various codes, such as ACI, ASTM, and IS, offer specifications for the testing methods, properties, and applications of concrete admixtures. These codes must be followed to ensure that different types of concrete admixtures, including water-reducing admixtures, retarding admixtures, accelerating admixtures, water-reducing and retarding admixtures, water-reducing and accelerating admixtures, water-reducing high range admixtures, and water-reducing, high range, and retarding admixtures, conform to the appropriate standards. Failure to comply with these specifications can result in undesirable outcomes.

Types of Admixtures and Their Standard Codes

Table 1 Types of Admixtures used in concrete and mortar, and Standard Codes Pertaining to each Admixture

Types of AdmixturesStandard CodesNotes
Water-reducing (WR)ASTM C 494/C 494M – 99This specification covers materials for use as chemical admixtures to be added to hydraulic-cement concrete mixtures in the field. stipulates tests of an admixture with suitable concreting materials or with cement, pozzolana, aggregates, and an air-entraining admixture.
WRACI 212.3R-10It is a complete report about almost all types of admixtures used in concrete and mortar. It discusses the materials, selection, evaluation, applications, proportioning concrete, effects on hardening concrete, effects on fresh concrete, quality assurance, and storage of concrete admixtures.
WRIS:9103This standard covers the chemical and air entraining admixtures including superplasticizers, solid or liquid or emulsion, to be added to cement concrete at the time of mixing so as to achieve the desired property in concrete, in the plastic or hardened state.
Retarding (R)ASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
RACI 212.3R-10Look at the explanation in the second row of this table
RIS:9103Look at the explanation in the third row of this table
RBS:5075 part 1
Accelerating (A)ASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
AACI 212.3R-10Look at the explanation in the second row of this table
AIS:9103 and IS:2645Look at the explanation in the third row of this table
Water-reducing and retardingASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
Water-reducing and acceleratingASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
Water-reducing high range (WRHR)ASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
WRHRIS:9103Look at the explanation in the third row of this table
WRHRBS 5075: Part 3: 1985
Water-reducing, high range, and retardingASTM C 494/C 494M – 99See the description in the first row of this table
Air entraining (AE)ASTM C 260-00This specification covers materials proposed for use as air-entraining admixtures to be added to concrete mixtures in the field. It provides specifications regarding sampling, testing methods, and performance requirements.
` AEIS:9103Look at the explanation in the third row of this table
Integral waterproofing admixturesIS:2645This type of admixture can be used with all types of concrete, mortars, masonry works, and guniting works, and shall conform to the specifications of IS:2645

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