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Units of Measurement for Payments of Civil Construction Works

Units of Measurement for Payments of Civil Construction Works

The units of measurement for payment of construction works in civil engineering projects are typically specified in a table, as shown below:

Sl. No.Civil Construction WorksUnits of measurementUnit of payment
1Earthwork: Excavation, filling, cutting, bankingm3100 m3
2Surface dressingm2m2
3Cutting of treesNumberPer number
4Stones: quarrying, blastingm3m3
5Concrete: PCC, RCC, Precastm3m3
6Jail worksm2m2
7Damp proof coursem2m2
8Brick work of any descriptionm3m3
9Thin partition wallm2m2
10String course, drip course, water course coping
11Stone work of any descriptionm3m3
12Stone work in wall facing (thickness specified)m2m2
13Wood work: truss, rafter, beam etc.m3m3
14Door, window shuttersm2m2
15Door, window fittingsNumberPer number
16Timbering, boarding, sawing of timber, timbering of trenches, partition, etc.m2m2
17Steel workQuintalPer quintal
18Expanded metal, fabric reinforcement, cutting angles, plates, teescm2cm2
19Threading; welding; solder of sheetscmPer cm
20Iron gate, grill collapsible gate, rolling shutterm2m2
21Iron railingmm
22Roofing: tiled, corrugated iron, caves board (thickness specified)m2m2
23Centering, shutteringm2m2
24Ridges; valleys; gutters (girth given)mm
25Expansion and contraction jointsmm
26Ceiling timber, A.C. sheet, board, etc.m2m2
27Plastering; pointing; white washing; distempering; painting; varnishing; polishing; coal tarring; removing of paintsm2m2
28Flooring of any kindm2m2
29Pipes, laying of pipesmm
30Dismantling of brick masonrym3m3
32Grouting of cracks, jointsmm
33Supply of sand; brick ballast; aggregates; timberm3m3
34Supply of cementBagPer bag
35Supply of steel, G.I. sheet, bare electric lineQuintalPer quintal
36Supply of GI sheetm2m2
37Supply of sanitary itemsNumberPer number
38Supply of paint, varnishesLiterPer liter
39Supply of explosives, stiff paintKgPer kg

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