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What is Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Survey?

Figure-1: Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Positioning Setup
Figure-1: Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Positioning Setup

This article discusses the working and benefits of RTK surveying in the construction industry.

# Collecting Raw GNSS Data

In a PPK survey, the base station and the rover units collect raw GNSS data. This data contains all observations, and does not require a stable connection between the rover and the base station. The data is stored in the survey controller or recipient until the fieldwork is completed.

# Processing the Data

Once the fieldwork is finished, the raw GNSS data is processed using software. Corrections are then applied to the data to ensure accuracy.

# Applying Corrections

Once the raw GNSS data has been collected, the data is processed with software. Corrections are then applied to the data to improve accuracy. RTK setups consist of two receivers, one stationary (base station/GNSS receiver) and one mobile (rover). This allows for corrections to be applied in real-time to the data.

Components and Working of Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Survey

What is an RTK Setup?

An RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) setup is a system that uses two receivers to achieve centimeter-level accuracy when measuring the relative position of an object. The base station receiver is stationary and its coordinates are fixed, while the second receiver – called the rover – is free to move. The base station uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) to determine the errors in its location, which is then transmitted to the rover in real-time.

How Does an RTK Setup Work?

An RTK setup works by comparing the errors determined by the base station’s GNSS receiver to its precise location. The difference between the two is transmitted to the rover, allowing it to improve its computed position from the GNSS and achieve centimeter-level precision. Multiple rovers can be connected to one base station if their settings match the output from the base.

What is RTK Used for?

RTK is mainly used for construction applications that require higher precision such as cadastral survey, drone navigation, and other construction activities. Traditional GNSS receivers measure the time taken for a signal to travel from a satellite to the receiver and determine the position with 2-4 meter accuracy. Incorporating RTK improves this accuracy to centimeter-level precision.

Figure-2: Working of Real-Time Kinematic Positioning Survey
Figure-2: Working of Real-Time Kinematic Positioning Survey

Advantages of RTK in Construction

The benefits of RTK in construction are:

  1. RTK technology provides centimeter-level accuracy and eliminates human errors caused in traditional surveying.
  2. RTK systems rely on satellite, radio positioning and communication, thereby helping conduct surveying faster than traditional methods.
  3. RTK survey helps to develop construction layouts quickly.

# Benefits of PPK Surveying

PPK surveying is a precision surveying technique that combines GNSS and RTK technology. It allows for the collection of raw GNSS data without the need for a stable connection between the base station and the rover units. The data is then processed with software and corrections are applied to improve accuracy. This technique is mainly used for construction applications that require higher frequency and accuracy. The system requires a pre-surveyed base station with known coordinates and RTK technology is unavailable in marine areas, lands with obstructions (trees, mountains, etc.), or projects that disrupt communication.


What is RTK surveying?

# Advantages of PPK Surveying

PPK surveying offers a number of advantages when compared to traditional GNSS surveying. It is more accurate, provides centimeter-level precision and requires less data processing time. Its use of RTK technology also eliminates common errors found in GNSS results. Additionally, PPK surveying is a cost-effective option, as it requires minimal equipment and no communication coverage, meaning it can be used in areas where RTK technology is unavailable.

What are the applications of the RTK positioning survey?

# Benefits of Using PPK Surveying

PPK surveying offers many advantages over traditional GNSS surveying. It is able to provide centimeter-level accuracy, allows for data collection without the need for a stable connection, and is available in marine areas and lands with obstructions. It also requires a pre-surveyed base station with known coordinates. Furthermore, it is able to reduce the common errors found in GNSS results. PPK surveying is a reliable and accurate method for surveying that offers many benefits for construction applications.

What are the limitations of the RTK positioning survey?

# Overview of the PPK Process

PPK Surveying is a method of surveying that uses a combination of GNSS and RTK technology to collect raw GNSS data without the need for a stable connection between the base station and the rover units. The data is then processed with software and corrections are applied to improve accuracy. The base station sends corrections in real-time to the rover, which allows for centimeter-level precision. It is mainly used for construction applications that require higher frequency and accuracy. RTK technology is unavailable in marine areas, lands with obstructions (trees, mountains, etc.), or projects that disrupt communication. The system requires a pre-surveyed base station with known coordinates.

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